Monday, 1 September 2014

Guess Who Finally Got A Pasta Machine? Yes I Did & its About time!

Every time I got paid, I kept saying im gonna invest in a pasta machine, what did I do instead? Spent every penny on shoes & clothes! BUT I FINALLY GOT ONE, my Aunt gave me one, mega excited.
First attempt ever at making home made pasta & it turned out bloody brilliant! It was perfect, silky smooth pasta sheets, fresh of course, what could possibly beat that? Nothing I tell you!

Ingredients for the pasta (serves 4)
3cups plain flour
4 eggs
1 tsp salt
Drizzle of olive oil

In a food processor combine all the above ingredients,  the mixture should resemble breadcrumbs. Transfer onto a floured surface & combine the mixture until its formed a ball, kneed for about 10 minutes until the pasta dough is silky smooth,  it shouldn't be floury. Tightly wrap in cling film & leave it in the fridge for 30 mins.

The instructions for rolling out the pasta for ravioli should be given with your pasta machine so follow it as it says or just google it!

So what was the first dish I made using fresh pasta? Ravioli of course! My family said it tasted better than what is served up in restaurants, mega boosted! It was a great first attempt.

Ingredients for the filling
300g cottage cheese
1 cup spinach 
4 small garlic cloves minced
1/cup Parmesan cheese
2 tbsp tomato puree
Zest & juice of 1 
1 tsp chilly flakes
Salt & pepper to taste
2 tbsp butter

All you gotta do is, wilt the spinach in some butter & the garlic then combine all the ingredients together & let it cool down. Once cooled down, make your ravioli,  Easy right!
To serve your ravioli, whilst it's boiling in water, in a large pan, heat up 2 tbsp butter, once melted and starting to brown (the french call this burn noisette) add in the cooked ravioli, toss in the burn noisette and scatter over chopped fresh basil, serve with parmesan shavings on top. Deeeeeelicious! 

Bon Appetit!

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