Tuesday 5 August 2014

Moroccan Potato Sovory Crepes With Cottage Cheese. Experimenting in the Kitchen!

My mother made an Indian potato fry the other day & served it with savory pancakes & yogurt, I thought I'd experiment & try something different. What did I do? I used my Moroccan Chicken marinade & done it with potatoes this time, everyone Loved it. The marinade has quite a kick with chilly so what could be better than serving it with cottage cheese? So delicious. The cold creamy cheese balances the heat out perfectly.
Savory crepes may be knew to some of you, they work really well with pretty much any filling, it's a must try, so lets get cooking!
Click on the following link to get the Moroccan marinade, all you gotta do for the potatoes is boil them, add them to the marinade & cook them with some extra olive oil, pour over 100ml double cream & combine, lastly add spring onions & serve. (Make sure to proportion the marinade with the amount of potatoes you have, I went according the recipe but did half of everything) 

Ingredients for the crepes
2 eggs 
2 cups of milk
1 cup plain flour 
3 crushed garlic cloves
Salt to taste 
Handful chopped coriander
1 tsp red chilly flakes

Beat the eggs & mix the rest of the batter ingredients together, the batter should be a smooth wet consistency,  not too runny or thick. Heat up a non stick pan with a touch of olive oil & make your crepes. They have to be nice & thin so it'll be easy to roll them with the filling.
To assemble, place some filling in the middle of the crepe top of with a bit of cottage cheese, roll up & top of with a bit more cottage cheese. Enjoy!

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