Monday 21 July 2014

Lemon & Garlic Aioli. The Perfect Dipping Sauce!

What could be more appetizing then you're very own home made mayonnaise. 
It has to be the most easiest thing ever, so why be lazy & use a boring shop bought mayo?
This is a must try, the addition of lemon & garlic takes it to another level. P.s this was my first attempt & somehow it came out perfectly. Kinda happs. Oyes.

3 egg yolks
3 garlic cloves minced
3 tbsp lemon zest
Lemon juice (go according to taste & personal preference)
Salt & pepper to season
Olive oil

In a bowl add the three egg yolks, minced garlic cloves, lemon zest & a few splashes of lemon juice.
Whisk it all up, I used an electric whisk because I'm lazy & also its easier. Once its combined very slowly add olive oil whilst still whisking, you will need about 2 cups of olive oil maybe more. Make sure you don't pour the oil in too fast as this will split the mixture. 
Once it starts thickening you know its ready. Season with salt & pepper then taste, if you want it more lemony add more lemon juice & whisk again. Enjoy,

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